Friday, August 12, 2005

Good Ol' Sandy, Second Rate Berg-lar

Remember what former President Bill Clinton said when his former National Security Advisor, Sandy Berger, "inadvertently" stole highly classified documents from the National Archives? Something to the effect of, "Heh, heh, yeh... that's Sandy. We were all laughing about it on the way over here this morning... He always had a messy desk, too..." Don't the revelations of this week regarding Able Danger make you wonder if what Ol' Bill was REALLY thinking when he said that was more like, "Whew! Good Ol' Sandy... heh, heh, yeah... he's so disorganized, no one will ever know what he really took!"

And it appears the 9-11 Commission's final report was missing more than just the references to Able Danger's information.

If you're still curious as to why the "wall" wasn't enough to get Gorelick kicked-off the panel and into the witness chair, John Podhoretz has a pretty good idea.

UPDATE (8/13/05 at 11:02am): Speaking of Gorelick and "The Wall", Nick Danger at has all the background you could want.

UPDATE 2 (8/13/05 at 11:07am): The New York Times and the Washington Post are furiously trying to throw water on Able Danger. Captain Ed has the follow-up. When the MSM's two biggest old-line liberal newspapers pull-out all stops to try to derail a building controversy, you know there must be some real fire behind the smoke!

UPDATE 3 (8/17/05 at 10:24pm): Someone else is now asking the same question about Sandy Berger's adventures at the National Archives.

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