Monday, July 25, 2005

Just Wondering

While the MSM continues to over-inflate "Plamegate" in its reporting -- while having marginalized it in court briefings -- the real burning question (for which there must be no simple answer)is still: Just who is Judith Miller protecting?

The New York Times columnist has been sitting in jail for a couple of weeks, continuing to disobey Judge Hogan's order that she name her source(s) for an unpublished article. I presume she must have passed Plame information on to someone else in the news media or administration, else who would know she had a source for that kind of information. Why would she be in trouble for knowing something and not passing it on? Did her source rat her out? There is still something odd about that aspect of this case.

The heck with Joe Wilson, Valerie Plame, Karl Rove, Matthew Cooper, Time Magazine, and on and on. The real mystery is the Miller Affair. But neither Judith nor the NY Times are speaking.

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