Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Worst. Postulating. Ever.

The left is losing it again. This time over their hypeful reportalizing* on the Fitzgerald investigation into which evil Republican operative mean-spiritingly outed Valerie Flame. It is becoming a literal orgy on the left, fanned by stories in The Washington Post and on US

As noted yesterday by National Review Online's, Byron York, there is a distinct excitement among those in the "reality-based" community. And the speculating is getting fierce. Check out the giddiness in this tome from Chris Matthews. While you're at it, check out this hyperventilated game of connect-the-dots by Matthews on MSNBC today. Not only does he continue to echo the DU/dKos/Deaniac left (albeit in a more polite choice of words) "Bush lied, people died", "Joe Wilson had the goods on WMD", "Cheney is making the decisions and telling Bush what to do", and on and on, he's reaching for straws. Unbelievable.

The left SO wants Bush and Cheney to be disgraced, thrown out of office and taken away in handcuffs and leg irons, that they'll do just about ANYTHING to make that happen. Including misreading the silence coming from the Fitzgerald investigation. No report coming equals indictments all the way to the top! Don't believe it? Read about it here in today's New York Times.

It will be really be hysterical if and when Fitzgerald actually says "there was no crime here". In the words of Bugs Bunny, "what a bunch of maroons!"

*Hypeful reportalizing = hyped-up wishful-thinking editorializing masquerading as "reporting" the facts.

UPDATE (Wed 10/19/05 at 11pm): Something I missed earlier (Sorry!) The Washington Post apparently noticed the huge excitement it had helped build on the left and properly noted it as a bit premature.

UPDATE 2 (Thurs 10/20/05 at 8:45pm): Great line in the first paragraph of this report on the Plame Affair from Investors Business Daily:

"Politics: As special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's mandate expires, Karl Rove's only crime may be not that he 'outed' Valerie Plame as a CIA operative but that he exposed her husband, Ambassador Joe Wilson, as a liar."


Jeff Huber said...

Would you care to bet a paycheck on it, G-man?

G-man said...

P-BS Watcher:

Right-0h! Loved the memory jog!